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With our ever so evolving communities, advanced technology and continuous change world-wide, the one constant denominator is the care and desire for children’s leadership growth. From educators and parents to coaches, friends, and counselors, our community as a whole holds the responsibility of controlling the path in which our future leaders embark. The direction in which adults head in is a constant reminder to children of what the definition of “success” is and what is acceptable in today’s world. Whether that is as insignificant as what is acceptable to do at the table or in public to ultimately, what is acceptable in society and what is considered an accomplishment.

The most crucial way to teach a child is to lead by example. Teach them to be passionate, teach them to be different but most importantly teach them to be proud. Children need to feel accomplished, determined and excited about their goals and what makes them ‘happy.’ As adults we tend to remove ourselves from this state of mind of determining what holds the key to our happiness but ultimately it’s the perception in which we begin each day. Do our community and our children a favor and remind yourself to be passionate and proud because those are the detailed characteristics that will be mirrored by children.

Many put the pressure on parents or educators but essentially we all hold the key to molding our future. Each person encounters a child every day. Whether it is a baby, toddler or teenager every person in our society can be influenced by one single smile, wave, high five, words of encouragement or simply a hug. Whether it is a stranger in need of a smile or a student in need of support and encouragement regardless of their accomplishments, every adult holds the power to offer a source of encouragement, which ultimately is the biggest influencer in turning individuals into leaders. A leader is a blend of all the words of encouragement or internal motivation so let’s be the support system to each individual leader thriving in our communities.